Berry Peach Club

Berry Peach Club

by Damien Notto


3cl rinquinquin

3cl kraken rum

5 dash campari

1cl lime juice

3cl cranberry juice

4cl pineapple juice

2.5cl homemade pink berry syrup

Topping: dehydrated pineapple - pink berries + pink berry powder





NOTE: The Berry Peach Club is a fruity and refreshing cocktail, its peachy notes making this long drink suitable for drinking at any time of the day. Rinquinquin and pink berries remain as the main notes on the finish. The Cranberry adds a fruity touch to this thirst quenching cocktail. The Campari dash adds complexity to the cocktail without being too bitter.


© Damien noto : damswp3 

Beach Club de Lily Of The Valley

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