Genepi Granita, pear and lime by Pierre Gagnaire

Genepi Granita, pear and lime by Pierre Gagnaire

For 4 people


2 ripe pears

1 lime

25 cl white wine (chignin-bergeron if possible)

15 cl génépi

3 tablespoons mountain honey

3 tablespoons brown sugar


Pour 15 cl of spring water into a bowl, add the chignin-bergeron, génépi and honey, mix well with a whisk, pour into a flat bowl, put in the freezer and let it set. Scrape with two forks until a glittery mass is obtained.

Grate the zest of the lime and squeeze the juice. Peel and seed the pears, cut the flesh into pieces, mix with the lemon juice, the zest and the sugar, and reserve in the cold. Spread the pear pulp with lime in glasses, then put the granita and serve immediately.

Photo credits: Gaëlle Le Boulicaut for Madame Figaro in Les Airelles in Courchevel

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