Pavements of cod, blank sauce in the anise

Pavements of cod, blank sauce in the anise

For 4 people 


Preparation: 20 minutes 
Cooking: 8 at 12 minutes 
• 4 pavements of cod from 180 to 200 g each
• With the skin 1 soup spoon of olive oil for the frying pan 
• Salt and pepper of the mill •
For the blank sauce:
• 1 average tomato 
• Blackberry but firm 25 cl of olive oil 
• 1 clove of garlic 
• 1 soup spoon of green lemon juice 
• 1 soup spoon of Pastis HB · 1 coffee spoon of seeds of anise drinks 
• 1 soup spoon of chiselled dill 
• Flower of salt 


To Rinse the pavements of cod in the fresh water, then to mop them with some absorbing paper. Book them for cool.
Prepare the sauce: scald the tomato a few seconds, then refresh it immediately in the cold water. Wipe it. Peel it, cut it in 2 and remove seeds. Cut it then in quite small dice. Peel and chop very finely the clove of garlic or crush it in the press-garlic. 
In a mortar, crush the anise with a little flower of salt. Dilute with the green lemon juice and the Pastis Henri Bardouin, then pay the oil deeply by whipping to emulsify the mixture. Add the dice of tomato and the dill, then good move. Overturn into a bowl and make warm in the bain-marie during the cooking of the fish. 
Coat a big frying pan of olive oil and place it on fire way. Put the pavements of bar side skin and cook them 8 in 12 minutes according to their thickness, without turning them, until the surface is hardly translucent. Salt and pepper. 
Arrange the pavements of cod on a dish, coat them of a little sauce and serve the rest separately.
Photo credit: Adobe Stock - HLPhoto 

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