Crust :
250 g flour
10 g salt
10 g yeast
1 egg
½ glass of lukewarm water
Top :
6 onions
Olive oil
50 ml Pastis Henri Bardouin
10 black olives
Preparation :
Make a well in the flour and add the egg.
Mix while slowly pouring half of the lukewarm water with the salt, then the other half with the yeast.
Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, then shape it into a ball. Leave it to rest for about an hour at room temperature.
In a pot, cook the onions with some olive oil for 30 minutes on low heat. After 15 minutes, add the Pastis Henri Bardouin.
Spread the dough in a greased form and prick with a fork.
On top, spread the onions, then add a dozen black olives.
Preheat your oven for 10 minutes at 180°C (th. 6)/350°F, then put in the pissaladièra for 30 minutes.
Eat lukewarm with a Pastis Henri Bardouin !
Optional : It is possible to add on top of your pissaladièra some anchovy fillets or a spread made of anchovis and sardines called pissaïa.
© recipe and photo : Christophe Mrn
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