Small Pots of Cream with Absinthe

Small Pots of Cream with Absinthe


Shopping for 8 persons:

•    50 cl of milk
•    5 cl of GRANDE ABSENTE 69°
•    5 egg yolks
•    75 g of sugar



Preparation Time: 15 mins.
Cooking Time: 35 mins.

Bring milk to a boil. Turn off the burner, add Grande Absente and allow to infuse for 10 minutes.
Beat the yolks and sugar until a foamy consistency is obtained.
Pour in the hot milk in a stream while stirring with a whisk.
Distribute in ramekins.
Cook in the double boiler at 150°C for 35 to 40 mins.
Let cool then place some red sugar on top and burn it with the cooking torch.


© photo : Adobe Stock - Sebastien Garcia

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